hypoxemia|hypoxaemia in English


lack of oxygen in the blood (Medicine)

Use "hypoxemia|hypoxaemia" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "hypoxemia|hypoxaemia" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "hypoxemia|hypoxaemia", or refer to the context using the word "hypoxemia|hypoxaemia" in the English Dictionary.

1. These infections may be accompanied by clinically undetected baseline and episodic hypoxaemia.

2. Natural disasters (eg, abruptio placentae, cord prolapse, fetal hypoxemia) occur in rural maternity practice.

3. 13 These infections may be accompanied by clinically undetected baseline and episodic hypoxaemia.

4. In addition, hypoxemia, hyperventilation, dead space ventilation, right to left shunting, bronchoconstriction, and vasoconstriction may occur.

5. Inhalation injury is followed by hypoxemia, ventilation/perfusion mismatch, increased airway resistance and atelectasis.

6. Atelectasis is usually asymptomatic, but hypoxemia and pleuritic chest pain may be present in certain cases.

7. Shock, bradycardia and irregular breathing are important predictive signs, and severe malaria with respiratory distress is a common cause of hypoxaemia.

8. 7 The use of multiple logistic regression allowed the selection of the most useful clinical signs which are predictive of hypoxaemia.

9. Some of our patients with suffocation or hypoxaemia induced by epilepsy might have died without a definite diagnosis and appropriate management.

10. Our patients were manifesting potentially dangerous hypoxaemia, and we did not consider it ethically appropriate to withhold this form of treatment.

11. Prolonged cold stress results in increased oxygen consumption and abnormal glucose utilization, which can lead to hypoglycemia, hypoxemia and acidosis.

12. 22 We are not aware of reports from developing countries of the outcome of hypoxaemia in children with acute lower respiratory tract infection.

13. Acute respiratory Alkalosis (hyperventilation) occurs in clinical settings associated with electrolyte-induced complications such as cardiac arrhythmias (such as myocardial infarction, sepsis, hypoxemia, cocaine abuse)

14. Hypoxaemia appears to be an important pathophysiological mechanism, and this is why oxygen monitoring is given a high priority in safety standards in anaesthesia.

15. Life-threatening hyperkalemia, acute overload pulmonary edema generating severe hypoxemia and uremic complications (pericarditis and encephalopathy) are the only indisputable emergency RRT criteria.

16. We conclude that a fetal arterial drop of between 4.1 and 8.4 mmHg is necessary to elicit responses to hypoxemia in fetal sheep at 106–117 days of gestation in adrenocorticotropic hormone, arginine vasopressin, and fetal breathing movements, but this degree of hypoxemia does not cause changes in cortisol or fetal eye movements.

17. Inversion of T waves in V1–V3 (V4) was associated with marked right ventricular overload as well as with severe hypoxemia and often hypercapnea.

18. Anoxia or hypoxemia is a low level of oxygen in the blood.The word "anoxic" used in biology to refer to habitats with little or no oxygen.

19. Evidence is presented to show that hypoxemia, rather than blood acidosis per se, is the proximate stimulus for catecholamine mobilization during periods of stress in fishes.

20. At 134–147 days of pregnancy, moderate hypoxemia induced a significant increase in adrenocorticotropic hormone, but the response was less than at 125–129 days of gestation.

21. Mechanical ventilation can not only improves hypoxaemia caused by flail chest, but also provides a good blood-oxygen environment for the recovery of nerve function after primary brain-stem injury.

22. Congenital Alveolar capillary dysplasia (ACD) is a rare and fatal developmental lung disease characterized by respiratory distress in neonates due to refractory hypoxemia and severe pulmonary arterial hypertension.

23. ‘Grief mostly requires reassurance from friends and counseling by family physician with occasional small dose of Anxiolytic medication.’ ‘Although hypoxemia and anxiety may cause agitation and restlessness, Anxiolytic medications should be administered only when the physician is prepared to intubate.’

24. A series of dogs, anaesthetised with i.v. Chloralose-Urethane were exposed 1) to cerebral vasoparalysis, produced by hypercapnia (PaCO2 about 150 mm Hg) and hypoxaemia (PaO2 40–60 mm Hg); 2) to arterial hypertension and 3) to a combination of cerebral vasoparalysis and arterial hypertension.